The biggest change in the new version is that one function can be connected to multiple environments. It can also exist in multiple versions and each version can be active in one or more environments. This is useful when maintaining a function since an admin can edit a function and just make it available in the test environment. Once the function is validated, it can be released to production. If needed one can easily rollback a release and re-activate the old version. See documentation for details.
A functions XML and XAML file, can be edited directly on the VPM server. Edit a function with online XML editor.
Functions and environments can be reordered by users with write access. To reorder, simply drag and drop the function on the VPM server
Functions can be organised using labels. Organise functions using labels.
Function documentation can be uploaded for each function. This documentation is available for the end user in the VXL client. Add function documentation.
The max rows property in the XML file now supports more than 100 000 rows.
VXL function UI can be edited in the VXL client with direct preview. Edit function interface from desktop client.