Minor Enhancements

Minor enhancements and bug fixes including:

Ticket Type Description
VXL-641 VXL Filters and Sub Filters ignored in M3 CE
VXL-643 VXL Minor enhancement to Filters and Sub Filters
VXL-660 VXL VXL log information
VXL-664 VXL Import (RestApi v2) keeps running and executions never ends if the same program/transaction is used more than once
VXL-665 VPM Not possible to set IsCritical=true for an export task
VXL-666 VPM Error when clicking Generate XAML-button when maintain VXL function manually
VXL-667 VXL Issue with BasedOnTransaction execution.
  1. Run Transaction A
  2. Run Transaction B (if Transaction A fails)
  3. Run Transaction C (with a filter, e.g. column A=X)
  4. Run Transaction D (if Transaction A success)
  5. Run Transaction E (if Transaction B success) | | VXL-668 | VXL | VXL stalls when running a function a second time | | VXL-669 | VPM | Issue with Edit Configurator if a function has the same output field in two different transactions | | VXL-670 | VPM | Discrepancy in the format between the XML-file and Preview of XML on Edit Configurator | | VXL-673 | VPM | Changes in XML-file not saved | | VXL-674 | VXL | Filters and Sub Filters - Numeric values | | VXL-676 | VXL | Execution stops if first API/transaction returns OK | | VXL-682 | VXL | Blank spaces are trimmed E.g. Division blank “ “ will be processed as ““ | | VXL-684 | VPM | Edit Configurator results in Object reference error | | VXL-686 | VPM | XAML error when filters are changed |

M3 CE/ST - Switching between different Tenants

Once connected to a M3 CE/ST tenant VXL needs to be restarted if there is a need to switch to another tenant.
