Customizing email messages

You can customize your tenant’s email messages by setting different templates.

These templates allow for HTML content and can contain certain context data, such as company name or current user details for a more personalized experience.

Templates can be set on tenant creation or at any point after using PATCH

Available templates

Currently the following email message templates can be defined

Setting the message template

PATCH /tenant

// body:

    "tenantId": "TENANT-123",
    "templates": {
        "inviteEmail": {
            "body": "template string",
            "subject": "template string"

Example request

    "tenantId": "TENANT-123",
    "templates": {
        "inviteEmail": {
			    "body": "<h3>Welcome to {{ tenant.companyName }}'s hidout!</h3><p><strong>It is now officially party time.</strong></p><p>Here are your sign in credentials:</p><p>Company: {{ tenant.companyName }}<br/>Username: {{ }}<br>Password: {{{ code }}}</p><p>Please sign in here: {{ urls.signIn }}</p><p>Your password must be changed at first sign in.</p>",
			    "subject": "Welcome to {{ tenant.companyName }} on Vince Live"

Context available in templates

Context can be used in templates to replace static text.

Messages are parsed using Vince Live Brackets which can be used to inject various dynamic values into the message.