All entities in Vince Live, such as User, Tenant, Workflow, Connection, etc, are taggable.

A tag consists of a key and a value.

Tags can be used to filter data and control access to resources.


Value of a tag can be a value of data type string, number, boolean , null or an array of those values. All data types in an array must be of the same type.

Return values

The input will be returned as output.

For DELETE endpoints, no output is returned.


// general format
// single tag:
{http method} /v1/tags/{entityId}/{key}
// multiple tags:
{http method} /v1/tags/{entityId}

// get all tags for entity
GET /v1/tags/USER-123
GET /v1/tags/TENANT-123
GET /v1/tags/WORKFLOW-123

// get single tag
GET /v1/tags/USER-123/myTag
GET /v1/tags/TENANT-123/myTag
GET /v1/tags/WORKFLOW-123/myTag

// set/override single tag
PUT /v1/tags/USER-123/myTag
// body
["my", "values", 123]

// set/override all tags
PUT /v1/tags/USER-123
// body
{ "myTag": ["my", "values", 123], "anotherTag": true }

// delete single tag
DELETE /v1/tags/USER-123/myTag

// delete all tags
DELETE /v1/tags/USER-123