In Vince Live, we implement attribute-based access control (ABAC) to provide highly granular control over user roles and permissions. This allows for fine-tuned access management and ensures that roles are only applicable to users with the "User" permission setting, while users with the "Admin" permission have unrestricted access. This documentation provides an overview of roles in Vince Live and their significance in the access control system.

Roles in Vince Live, implemented through attribute-based access control (ABAC), enable precise control over user permissions and access levels. By associating workflows with roles, you can define specific rules and restrictions for different user groups. This fine-grained access management allows for efficient customization of user privileges and ensures that users have the appropriate level of access to features and functionalities within Vince Live. Additionally, the inclusion of deny rules provides added flexibility and control over access control policies. With Vince Live's robust role-based access control system, you can confidently manage user permissions and safeguard sensitive data and workflows.

Defining user roles in Vince Live allows organizations to customize access levels and grant specific privileges to individuals based on their responsibilities and requirements. This flexible user management system ensures secure and efficient utilization of the software's capabilities.

Managing Permissions for Roles in Vince Live

In the Permissions section of Vince Live, administrators can tailor role permissions using four key drop-downs : App, Resource, Resource Name, and Actions.



The "App" dropdown in Vince Live serves as a means to categorize the diverse range of resources available within the application. It primarily distinguishes between "Foundation" and "Custom Tables," maintaining a clear separation.


Foundation encapsulates the essential entities integral to Vince Live. These entities constitute the core components of the application, forming the backbone of its functionalities.