Whether you are going to start from scratch or you would like to reuse your existing Roles from M3, VSE makes it simple to create and maintain M3 Roles.

If you would like to reuse your existing Roles from M3, please import them into VSE.

To import your existing Roles from M3, click on List Roles in the Menu and in the first card that appears, click on download


If you would like to create an M3 Role from VSE, Please click on


When you create M3 Roles from VSE, you have two options,

  1. Generic Role
  2. Child Role

To decide which type of Role is suitable for your needs, you need to know,

  1. Will the Users connected to this Role, need in different Company-Divisions? For example, a User John, having Access to Company 100 and Divisions, Blank, AAA and BBB. Will he need, Write Access in Blank Division and Read Only Access in AAA and Read, Edit, Copy but no Create or delete access in BBB Divisions? If Yes, creating Child Roles will be more suitable.

    different accesses

  2. Will the Users connected to this Role, need in different Company-Divisions? For example, a User John, having Access to Company 100 and Divisions, Blank, AAA and BBB. Will he need, Write Access in all the Divisions? If Yes, creating Generic Roles will be more suitable.

    same accesses


Generic Roles

Child Roles