VXL Live prioritizes user-centric features, offering a personalized and efficient experience. The "My Profile" section is a gateway for users to manage essential details and customize their preferences seamlessly.

1. Tenant Information:
Upon clicking the "My Profile" icon in the bottom navigation, the selected tenant's name is prominently displayed, providing a quick reference to the active workspace.

2. User Email Display:
Directly below the tenant name, the logged-in user's email ID is presented, ensuring user identification. Both the tenant name and email ID serve as static, non-clickable elements.
3. User Preferences:
- The "User Preferences" call-to-action (CTA) invites users to customize their VXL Live experience.
- Clicking on the button opens the "User Preferences" pop-up, offering options to set preferred language, date format, and time format.
4. Preference Options:
- Preferred Language: Users can select their language of choice from the drop-down menu.
- Preferred Date Format: Customize the display format for dates according to individual preferences.
- Preferred Time Format: Tailor the time format to suit personal preferences.

5. Save and Cancel Options:
- Users can apply changes by clicking the "Save" button, instantly updating their preferences.