With VXL you can import data using a matrix. This is i.e. very efficient when updating values for multiple items in multiple warehouses.

Example 1:

This is a very simple function for updating safety stock for multiple items and warehouses.

The XML looks like this

In the XML we can see that dynamic cells are used for the warehouse, but row=5 is fixed (B03 and B04 above). WHLO is set to *C5, but since DynamicColumn is set to true it will continue reading columns until the end of the table.

Dynamic cells is also used for safety stock. It's value will vary both on warehouse and item. It will start in cell C7,  read downwards until the end and then start with the next column.

The API messages will appear as cell comments and you can see which API the message came from in the bottom left of Excel (see above screenshot)

If there are multiple API's being called per cell, the new messages will be added and not overwritten.

Example 2:

This is a bit more advanced example.

In this case we want all items that are connected to a certain drawing number to have an updated composition in PDS001 and PDS002.

With the help of PDZ003MI VXL is closing the composition to all connected items with a specific drawing number and thereafter setting a new composition for the same items by running an add.

VXL will start by running the D7 field in Excel; the first drawing number. It will then add the composition for all items attached to that drawing number by running the items in column A and the factor from column D.

After setting the composition for the first drawing and all its items, it will shift one column to E7 and do exactly the same. VXL will read it in 3 dimensions.

All comments are added as a note on the field

The XML: