Products: Vince Live & VXL Live

Sprint: Sprint 2

Release Date: 2023-11-28


Vince Live


PRD - 455: Automatic save when uploading design file.


Vince live now displays a message guiding users to confirm the upload by saving the workflow after selecting a design file. This feature enhances user interaction, providing clear instructions and improving user awareness during the design file upload process.

Use cases:

Upload Confirmation Guidance: Prompts users to confirm the upload by saving the workflow, ensuring intentional actions.

User Awareness: Acts as a reminder, enhancing user awareness and reducing the chance of oversight.

Timely Instruction: Appears promptly after file selection, offering timely and context-specific instructions.

User Engagement Duration: Predefined duration allows users to understand the message before it automatically disappears.

Streamlined Workflow: Contributes to a seamless user experience, reducing ambiguity in the design file upload process.

PRD - 462: Change the UI for the Environment picker.


We've introduced significant UI improvements to the environment picker in the workflow environment selection screen in Vince Live, providing users with a more intuitive and streamlined experience. The environment selection now comprises three sections: API Environment, Active Environments, and Available Environments.